Sunday, 13 April 2008

Organic Vegetable Gardening

Organic vegetable gardening

Organic vegetable gardening is great to get involved in and makes your cooking taste a great deal better when it’s grown from your own soil. Organic vegetable gardening is not for the couch potato as it takes a bit of study to start and maintain a productive garden. Organic vegetable gardening is one type of home gardening which not only provides great satisfaction; it also helps put a dent in your food bill. A home vegetable garden is as easy as following a few simple steps.

Organic vegetable gardening is very similar to growing herbs or flowers in your garden and if the proper procedures are taken and proper care has been given to the plants, they will flourish and provide you with great tasting vegetables. Vegetable gardening is also ideal for artistically expressing yourself in a unique way. If you have a favorite, signature color or perhaps even three or four, consider planting based on these colors.

Organic gardening is one of the most rewarding types of vegetable gardening because it allows you to garden with the highest possible benefit. That benefit is your health. Organic gardening doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Anyone with a patch of soil and some inspiration can grow healthy chemical free vegetables . Organic vegetable gardening is growing organic fruit and vegetables without using harmful chemicals. You must work with nature to establish a balance of rich healthy soil.

Soil is the foundation for plants which is why so much of organic gardening focuses on improving soil. A sure-fire way to improve your soil is by adding lots of organic matter such as compost. Soil moisture and temperature conditions are favorable for decomposition of organic matter that is turned under in the fall. Disease organisms, insects and perennial weeds can be reduced by tilling in the fall.

Tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers do well in plant containers. For vegetables like carrots or green beans, you'll want to use narrower, longer containers. Tomato plants require room to spread even though you may have them contained by cages. I have found in 4x6 raised bed 6 tomato plants is sufficent allowing enough room for spreading branches and room to plant smaller plants among them.

Grow pest resistant varieties if available to help reduce losses without use of chemical pesticides. There are some naturally occurring materials available that can be used as pesticides such as diatomaceous earth, and pyrethrin. Growing a vegetable garden is an integral part of frugal living. There are so many today who for various reasons are incorporating more frugal living tips into their everyday routine.

Growing vegetables in containers means you can grow your vegetables on a deck or patio, or even indoors using special grow lights. Because of container gardening, we can now grow our own vegetables no matter where we live.

organic vegetable gardening

Organic Vegetable Gardening Tips

Welcome to my organic vegetable gardening tips blog. Here you will get some great tips and learn about organic vegetable gardening.